6 August 2013

London, England

提到 London,大部份人都是去 Westminster Abbey或是Tower of London以及British Museum這一些著名的景點。但是這一次我要介紹的是比較特別的倫敦好去處。

第一個要介紹的是 Waxy O' Connors。這是一個很特別的很有居爾特風味的酒吧。他們的網址如下:http://www.waxyoconnors.co.uk/index.php/welcome-to-waxys-london



下面這幾張照片為 Church Bar。包含很多天主教的小建物,像是confessional,通常是在教堂內,神父坐一邊,懺悔的信徒坐另一邊,拉下布幕, 把自己最近做的虧心事跟神父訴說。

下面這一張則很有居爾特的風格。下面我寫了一則介紹Celtic languages。內容改寫自wikipedia。

There are two main types of Celtic cultures - Continental Celtic and Insular Celtic. The latter mainly refers to the Celtic culture found on the British isles. By about 1000 AD, Celtic culture had become restricted to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and Brittany. Between the 5th and 8th centuries, the Celtic communities became a distinctive group and the Continental Celtic languages ceased to be widely used by the 6th century. Irish, Scottish, Gaelic, Welsh, and Breton are considered branches of the Celtic language.

下面這一張也很有 Celtic 風格。下面我寫了一則Celtic religion的介紹,內容改寫自wikipedia。

The Celts practised a polytheistic religion, and their priests were called Druids.  They worshipped hundreds of gods and goddesses, who were usually associated with skills such as blacksmithing and healing and the latter of which were usually associated with nature such as rivers and wells. Many of their gods came in triple-form, which some might suggest became combined with the Christian concept of the Trinity. The Celts celebrated rituals usually in sacred groves. Their sacred sites were usually near sacred trees, wells, or pools.

接下來介紹Celtic art。

When the term Celtic art is used, most people recall what is actually Insular Celtic art and not Continental Celtic art. The most iconic type of Insular Celtic art is the interlace style. However, it was introduced to Insular Celtic art from the animal Style II of Germanic Migration Period art. Some great examples include the Book of Kells (on exhibition at the University of Dublin) and the Book of Lindisfarne (currently on exhibition at Durham University, summer 2013).

我要介紹的第二個特別去處為 Fortnum and Mason's。這是一間非常特別的百貨公司。建於1707年。目前還保有十八世紀的擺設風格。他剛開始建立的時候是一間grocery store,但是後來慢慢變成一個完整的 department store。

如果對英國的百貨業有興趣的話,可以看 BBC的 Paradise。風格有一點像 Downton Abbey,是講十八九世紀一個百貨業的大亨如何改造他的百貨王國,以及他的一段戀情。如果喜歡英國的 period drama的話,應該會喜歡這一個電視劇。

Fortnum and Mason's 除了特別的裝飾之外,也有高級下午茶,一個人大約四十多磅。如果要買特別的茶或是咖啡,ground floor有賣很多進口的茶葉以及咖啡豆,他們的服務員訓練得蠻好的,所以如果有什麼要問的,都可以詢問他們。如果要送禮的話,來這裡也是不錯的選擇。這裡的禮品風格非常有維多利亞風格,走進口設計路線,但是又不像Harrod's 那樣有名,所以蠻有另類高檔風格。

第三個要介紹的為Royal Opera House。其實來這裡看表演並沒有想像中的貴。如果提前買票的話,我之前有買到七磅的票,另外一次買到十磅的票來這裡看歌劇。座位蠻爛的,舞台有一個角落看不到,但是這麼便宜,就可以看得到世界級的演出,也是很值得的。這裡有好幾個餐廳。價位蠻高的。不會特別推薦來這邊用餐。但是倒是可以來這邊,看表演前點一杯茶還是咖啡,不要買他們的食物,非常的貴又難吃。然後就站在 Amphitheatre的看台這邊往下看,尤其是傍晚還是晚上的時候,特別的漂亮。

他們外面也有座位,但是通常人滿為患,所以可能要提早一些來這裡店位子。可以點一杯飲料還是一杯香檳,坐在戶外的座位那邊,聽Covent Garden傳來的喧鬧聲,享受忙裡偷閒的滋味。
