7 August 2013

St Andrews, Scotland

這是第三次來愛爾蘭,第一次來是我唸博一的那一年,也就是2010-2011學年。那時是冬天來的,跟一個芬蘭朋友一起去Edinburgh,也順便拜訪朋友的一位羅馬尼亞的朋友,他當時在St Andrews唸博士,所以我們就去St Andrews找他。第二次是去St Andrews參加一個學術會議。第三次,也就是這一次,也是去St Andrews參加學術會議。

St Andrews 是一個很特別的地方。原先以為他們蘇格蘭的學校,所以應該會很多蘇格蘭的學生,城鎮的人也都會有很重的蘇格蘭腔。但是一位朋友大學是唸 St Andrews,他跟我說這裡是一個很奇怪,很夢幻,有一點不切實際的地方。因為很多學生家境蠻富裕的,不是英國人(而非蘇格蘭人)就是美國人。而且他們行為舉止很像二十世紀早期的英國紳士階級的人的行為舉止。穿著打扮也非常的不現代化。

以下我寫了一則 University of St Andrews的介紹,內容改寫自wikipedia以及我從朋友們收集到的資料。

The University of St Andrews was founded between 1410 and 1413 by the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII. It is especially renowned for its International Relations and the Humanities departments. About 15% of its students come from North America, and the student body is incredibly diverse. The University is known for keeping its traditions.

上面最後一行,講的好聽一點,就是「保留傳統」,講的難聽一點,就是「不合時宜」。而St Andrews的學生就是這樣。聽說很多都是有錢人家的子弟,申請不上牛津劍橋,就會去唸St Andrews。而且自從 Prince William去唸這間學校之後,這間學校就愈來愈有上流社會的感覺。

以下的一連串照片為 St Andrew's Cathedral剩下來的遺蹟。

Prior to the completion of St Andrew's Cathedral, St Andrews already had an important church since at least the 8th century and a bishopric since at least the 11th century. St Andrew's Cathedral was at one time Scotland's largest building. St Rule's Church, near the Cathedral, was built around 1120 and 1150. The tall tower was built to hold the relics of St Andrew. The Cathedral was completed in 1318. The Cathedral gave St Andrews the status of the ecclesiastical capital of Scotland. The Cathedral was later demolished by Henry VIII during the English Reformation.

海岸邊除了 Cathedral  之外,還有St Andrews Castle。

St Andrews Castle was first erected around 1200 and has been reconstructed several times.  The majority of the Castle seen today dates to between 1549 and 1571.

St Andrews 也有幾個 colleges,但是他們的學院制度跟牛津劍橋差蠻多的。

The University of St Andrews is divided into four faculties - The Faculty of Arts, The Faculty of Divinity, The Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Science. 

這種分法還是保留了中世紀的大學分科。尤其是我是唸宗教學的,所以看到他們四個faculties 其中之一就是Faculty of Divinity,蠻欣慰的。

The University also has three colleges. United College is responsible for all the students in the Faculties of Arts,  Science and Medicine. It is located in St Salvator's Quad. St Mary's College is responsible for all students in the Faculty of Divinity. St Leonard's College is responsible for postgraduate students.


接下來要介紹的為這裡附近的一個可愛平靜小漁村,叫做Anstruther (但是發音很特別,發成 An - stra - da)。那時朋友跟我提到,我在網路上公車時刻表,怎麼拼都找不到這個小村落。

這個地方離St Andrews搭公車大概四十分鐘左右。這裡就是一個很平靜的小城鎮,其實什麼都沒有,只能吃fish and chips以及看看港口,但是就是因為非常的平靜,所以很適合來這裡閒逛。


最重要的呢,就是來這邊吃他們很出名的fish and chips。我點了一個炸蝦,原來想像他會是像天婦羅那樣,結果完全不是!看起來倒是像麥克雞塊!另外還點了炸小魚以及花枝卷。
